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A Message From Our CEO
Dear Friends of Tickets for Kids,

As the Thanksgiving holiday rapidly approaches, I am filled with immense gratitude for each and every one of you who are part of the Tickets for Kids community. Your presence is truly what sets our mission apart.

It’s incredible to witness the resilience of the TFK network over the past few years and the profound impact it has had on the children and families we serve. In 2023 alone, we’ve had the privilege of 
providing 165,721 tickets for a wide range of enriching experiences, from museum visits to theater outings and thrilling sports events. It’s essential to remember that these experiences go far beyond just tickets; they create enduring memories. For heartfelt testimonials from our agency partners and the kids themselves, you can explore our testimonials page here.

Across various markets nationwide, every single ticket reaches a child who not only discovers new horizons but also feels valued, included, and nurtured by the caring adults in their lives in fresh and imaginative ways. In our four core markets, it’s the collaborative efforts of ticket donors, financial supporters, and youth-serving nonprofit partners that have made all of this possible. Here’s a glimpse of our impact in those regions:

 • In the Pittsburgh region, 50,220 tickets have been matched through partnerships with 609 youth-serving organizations.

• In the Minnesota region, 43,088 tickets have been matched through partnerships with 361 youth-serving organizations.

• In the New York City Metro area, 18,894 tickets have been matched through partnerships with 181 youth-serving organizations.

• In the Washington DC Metro area, 16,001 tickets have been matched through partnerships with 181 youth-serving organizations.

• Additionally, we’ve distributed 34,481 tickets in secondary markets, including San Diego, Seattle, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

None of this would have been achievable without the remarkable individuals, foundations, and corporations that have provided vital financial support for our operations. Thanks to their generosity, we’ve been able to fully reinstate our team this year, a significant milestone since 2020. Behind the scenes, our dedicated team works tirelessly to secure tickets, manage our partnerships with youth-serving agencies, and ensure that tickets reach those who need them the most. I’m deeply grateful for their unwavering commitment to our mission. If you haven’t had the chance to meet our fantastic team of 10, 
you can find more information by clicking here. Stay tuned for our upcoming newsletters starting in January, where we’ll introduce one team member in each edition.

To all of you within the Tickets for Kids family, I extend my heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the children and families whose lives are brightened by our collective efforts. Thank you for being an integral part of this vital mission.

Warmest regards,

Jason J. Riley
President & CEO